Chiropractor Jupiter, FL

Family Chiropractic Care

Dr. Kevin Kustarz

Our Mission – To empower our families to reach their health goals naturally, without the use of drugs and surgery.

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Jupiter Chiropractor Providing Chiropractic Treatment to Jupiter, Jupiter Farms, Palm Beach, West Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Tequesta, North Palm Beach, Juno Beach

TrueVine Chiropractic’s Beliefs

Your health is your #1 asset in life.

We live in a society that sacrifices its health for monetary gain in the first part of their lives, and later spends their finances in order to try and regain their health.  Unfortunately, health does not work like that.

Every investment you make today has large returns later in life. At True Vine Chiropractic…

Healthy by choice, not by chance.

We are consistently told that our health problems come from either genetics or bad luck, and that once we are sick, the best we can do is control and cover up symptoms.  Our Jupiter Chiropractor knows that there is always a cause for health problems and the best way to heal is to find and correct the cause…

A healthy family is a strong family.

When family members are constantly sick and suffering, it puts a strain on the family unit.

Pain and sickness can steal joy from our lives, chiropractors believe that as families grow healthy together, they also grow closer together as a unit. Living free from back pain or any other debilitating symptoms can greatly improve your overall health and quality of your life.


TrueVine Chiropractic

True Correction vs. Temporary Relief

The difference between Principled Chiropractic Corrective care and temporary relief care is the difference between optimal overall health and just feeling good.

People often seek chiropractic for addressing back pain, neck pain, or as a form of physical therapy after sports injuries or car accidents, we have found correcting the spine offers long term benefits to your overall health. This is why our office specializes in Principled Chiropractic treatment.

Thanks to technological advances and new understanding of the spinal and nervous systems, chiropractors are now able to correct the spine and use pre and post x-rays to document this change. These changes are achieved through a series of specialized gentle adjustments. If we are able to accept your case, a care plan will be recommended based on the pre-existing levels of degeneration in your spine, your age, levels of activity, and your response to an adjustment. Not every spine is correctable for us so we always start with a checkup to evaluate your potential for success in our office.


When a person seeks chiropractic treatment

When a new patient seeks chiropractic care and when their chiropractor accepts them for chiropractic care, it is essential that they are both working toward the same goal. Traditionally, the focus of health care is centered around a persons symptoms, like pain relief, and the treatment or relief of their symptoms. This is the entire basis for relief care.

To achieve a state of optimal health
The goal or objective of Chiropractic is to identify the underlying cause of a person health challenge and to correct it. A condition of the spine known as Vertebral Subluxation interferes with the bodies natural ability to heal itself. Principled and Wellness Chiropractors locate Vertebral Subluxations, thoroughly analyze all of its components, design a specific program of adjustments and exercises to correct Vertebral Subluxations, and most importantly to help you and your family learn how to achieve a state of optimal health and how to maintain a healthy spine into the future.

Children’s Chiropractic

Family Chiropractic

Pregnancy Chiropractic

What Our Practice Members Say

Step One

All new practice members are requested to fill out new practice member application as completely as possible. You can save 20 minutes on your first visit by filling out the forms before you arrive. More…

Step Two

When you arrive to our office, a one-on-one consultation will be conducted to discuss your health issues and goals, and uncover layers of past damages or injuries in order to help determine the exact cause of your health issues. More…

Step Three

The Specific Scientific Neurological Assessment – A comprehensive chiropractic evaluation and Neurological Diagnostic Testing will be performed to further determine the exact cause of your health problem using our state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment. We will be looking to locate the root cause of any dysfunction or disease within your body. More…

STRESS – How Big of a Role Does Stress Play in Your Overall Level of Health?
Chiropractic understands that stress, whether it be physical, chemical or emotional in nature. Stress affects the body’s ability to properly function and leads to poor health from the affects of subluxation. More and more research keeps piling up to support this concept, but the short and long-term effects of stress and subluxation are hardly ever addressed by the modern medical system. The medical community is not about to accept the theory that there is one cause for all disease (i.e. stress and subluxation). This is contrary to every major medical premise. Yet this is exactly what happened in 1964 when Hans Selye, M.D. was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine!

I was involved a car accident and was experiencing pain in my neck.  When I met Dr. Kevin, I knew he would be able to help me. He is one of the most caring and passionate health care providers I have met and I was confident in his abilities.

Not only do I feel 100% better and have returned to my normal activities but I have learned A LOT after being a patient here. Dr Kevin is big into education which is so important!  I now understand the importance of chiropractic adjustments. Our bodies have the ability to heal themselves as long as our spine is in correct alignment.

Even though I am FEELING better, I want to STAY better. I want to make sure my body is functioning at an optimal level at all times and that “my power stays on” ☺

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Holly W.

I had been suffering from neck and shoulder pain for several years.  After meeting Dr. Kevin and learning how a chiropractor Dr. could help me, I started coming to see him. Previously, I was a skeptic but the education Dr. Kevin provided allowed me to understand how my body was made to function.

My results have been phenomenal!
My body is feeling so much better, neck and shoulder pain is gone, my thyroid medication has even been reduced.  I have more energy and I believe in what Dr. Kevin does so much that I volunteer in his office every Friday.

I continue to be adjusted to protect myself from slipping back into the pain I had in the past. The investment in my health is so worth while. Read More…

Glynis M.

I suffered from low back and sciatic pain due to a car accident years back. The pain was never-ending and progressively became worse. I unfortunately learned how to ignore the pain so I could live a “normal” everyday life. I decided that was no way to live, so I came to see Dr. Kevin.

I cannot explain in such a short amount of space how chiropractic care has changed my life. Before, my pain was affecting my mental and physical state as well as jeopardizing my career as a personal trainer. Chiropractic has almost completely eliminated my pain in only 3 ½ months and has given me new skip in my step…..literally!

I continue with care because I want to remain pain free. The staff is wonderful, always knowledgable and they’ve given me my health back.

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Rachele L.


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Dr. Kevin Kustarz – Jupiter Chiropractor
Pediatric Chiropractor, Family Chiropractor, Corrective Chiropractor, Structural Chiropractor
Palm Beach County and Martin County

A Chiropractor for the following areas:
Palm Beach Gardens, Jupiter Farms, Palm Beach, Tequesta, North Palm Beach, Juno Beach, with

Specific Scientific Chiropractic Care - Serving Palm Beach & Martin Counties

When family members are constantly sick and suffering, it puts a strain on the family unit.
Pain and sickness can steal joy from our lives, so we believe that as families grow healthy together, they also grow closer together as a unit.

True Vine Chiropractic - Jupiter, FL 33458
Office Hours:

Monday 10AM–12:30PM, 2:30–6:15PM

Tuesday 2:30–6:15PM

Wednesday 8:30AM–11:30AM, 1:30–4:00PM

Thursday 10AM–12:30PM, 2:30–6:15PM

Friday Closed

Saturday Closed

Sunday Closed